Warping Guide for Palmers Mini Inkle Loom

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Leaving your shuttle in the open shed, loosen your tension nut and move the peg
slightly to the rear, until the threads loosen, tighten the peg.

Grasping the finished part of your weaving in your left hand and the loose threads
right below in your right hand, pull down with the left hand while pushing up with
the right hand, this should move your work around the loom.

Move your finished weaving down to the top of the loom frame as shown on the left,
then push it back up about 1/4 inch to stand your heddles back up as shown on the
right, then loosen your tension nut and slide the peg towards the front of the loom
until the threads are snug, then tighten the nut.

Continue weaving and advancing your work until you can no longer make a shed
and throw your shuttle.

Now for the traumatic part, place your scissors above the heddles between the two
pegs as shown.  Cut all the warp threads to release your band from the loom. Be
sure to cut the weft thread loose as well.  Save your heddles as you will reuse them
next time.

Your finished inkle band and your loom ready to be warped with your next project.

Have a question? feel free to e-mail us for a little extra help, Thanks Gary

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Rock n Bead/Pine Box Traders / Palmer Looms
All rights reserved.

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