Warping Guide for Palmers Mini Inkle Loom

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Set your tension peg about 1/4 of the way from the front end of the slot.  On the
classroom model use the second tension hole.

Attach the slip knot around your tension peg nut, (on the classroom model just slip it
on the tension peg), then bring your threads around the bottom to the front peg on
the working side of your loom.  The pattern we are making today is a simple bar or
ladder pattern.

Take your first heddle on your dark thread and attach to the heddle peg as shown,
position the heddle knot on the bottom side of the peg.  The second heddle on your
dark thread will be the last heddle placed on loom, and you can just slide this heddle
down the thread as you warp the loom to keep it out of your way until needed.

Take your dark thread over the top of the first top peg and around the rear top peg.

After going around the rear top peg go down to the tension peg and around, be sure
to stay below the heddle peg and always go around your pegs from top to bottom.

After going around the tension peg go back up to the middle rear peg and around.

Then go down to your center peg and around, then to the bottom rear peg and
around to the front peg, as seen in picture.  This is your warping path for all odd
numbered (heddle, 1 - 3 - 5 - etc.) threads.  Remember to always go around your
pegs from top to bottom.

Still working with your dark thread, come around the front peg and go straight to
the rear top peg.  At this point your thread should be between the two pegs on
your front arm.

From the rear top peg continue on the same path as the first thread.  This is your
warping path for all even numbered (2 - 4 - 6 - etc.) threads.  These two threads will
determine the color of the edge of your weaving.  Creating a straight line of solid
color.  This is also the color thread you will use to fill your shuttle.

Take your first heddle on your light thread and attach to the heddle peg as shown,
position the heddle knot on the bottom side of the peg.  The other heddles on your
light thread will be placed on loom as needed, and you can just slide these heddles
down the thread as you warp the loom to keep them out of your way until needed.

This is your warping path for all odd numbered (heddle, 1 - 3 - 5 - etc.) threads.
Remember to always go around your pegs from top to bottom.

Still working with your light thread, come around the front peg and go straight to the
rear top peg.  At this point your thread should be between the two pegs on your front
arm.  This is your warping path for all even numbered (2 - 4 - 6 - etc.) threads.

These two threads will determine the color of the outer stripe for your ladder.
Creating a straight line of solid color.

Have a question? feel free to e-mail us for a little extra help, Thanks Gary

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Rock n Bead/Pine Box Traders / Palmer Looms
All rights reserved.

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