Warping Guide for Palmers Mini Inkle Loom
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This guide is designed and laid out for warping and
weaving on the Palmer Mini
Inkle Loom, can also be
used as a general guide for our other sizes of inkle
looms. These directions are easily adaptable to other
brands of inkle
These are the same basic directions I use when
teaching classes at SCA events,
Renaissance Faires,
LARP, and other classroom opportunities. Contact
information on having a class at your school
or event.
Pre make your heddles using a good quality upholstery
thread or waxed linen, as
these materials will allow
your warp threads to move easily. Avoid wool or other
fuzzy type threads as they are more prone to knotting and felting.
The shuttle
that came with your Palmer Loom is also
your gauge for making your
Your heddles are
re-usable so be sure not to throw them away when
are done
with your project. These heddle directions are
specific to our loom
and shuttle design, and may not work with
other looms due to design differences.
To begin making your heddles, wrap your thread
around your shuttle length wise,
one round for
each heddle needed.
For this particular pattern
you will
need 10 heddles.
When you have all your rounds on the shuttle,
cut across the loops at one end to
free the
individual lengths of the heddle threads.
Tie each individual thread around the shuttle the
short direction, using a
knot, securing with
a third knot. A square knot is made by tying
over left then
left over right, the third securing will
be right over
Continue tying the heddle threads around the
until all threads are used.
Then clip the ends to avoid
tangling, but not too close, leave about 1/4 inch long
tails. After removing the heddles from the shuttle you
can use a single drop of
super glue on each knot to
set the knots.
The pattern we will be working with here is a basic
ladder pattern, consisting
straight line sides and
alternating bars in the middle.
Choose two
colors of standard cotton
crochet thread, one light and one dark.
Pre load
heddles onto your thread, 2 heddles on the
dark and 8 heddles on
the light.
Tie a slip knot
with both strands together.
Have a question? feel free to e-mail us for a little extra help, Thanks Gary
See what's available at this time.
Copyright 1986-2006
Rock n Bead/Pine Box Traders / Palmer Looms
All rights reserved.